Lindsey Brizendine

Tell Us About Your Family: I am married to the love of my life, Daniel. We have the perfect blend of 4 wonderful kiddos. Kenzie, Sam, Addie, Ellie and a fur baby named Arlo!

Favorite Scripture: Romans 12:12
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

People Who Inspire You: Mother Theresa and Helen Keller

Weird Quirks: I am clumsy and blind. I also have a spiritual gift of never tightening lids on things.

Something People Don’t Know About You: I was a children’s behavioral health counselor before going into ministry.

Things That Fascinate You: Psychology and human behavior has always been a passion of mine. It fascinates me to learn about the mind and human behavioral patterns to get a better understanding of why people do the things they do and how I can better relate to them.

Life-Changing Moment: One of the biggest life changing moments I have ever experienced was while I was doing mission work in Uganda. I have experienced worship on many different levels, but I never experienced worship in the way I did while I was at a children’s prison. To see these children, who had nothing to offer according to the world’s standards, worship with full surrender and thankfulness was beyond humbling.

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