Susie McCloud

Birthday: August 5

When and Where You Were Saved: First Baptist Church, Lubbock, Texas 1979

Tell Us About Your Family: My husband Mac, and I have 2 sons, Matt and Jon, and twin granddaughters Mackenzie and Bailyn.

Nickname: Sue Sue

People Who Inspire You: My husband and children

Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5

Favorite Sports: Tennis and Golf

Something Most People Don’t Know About You:  I have been married for 41 years and lived in Allen for 32 years.

Hidden Talent: Definitely not singing

Biggest Fear: Tornados

Things That Fascinate You: Painting videos

Sports You’re Good At: Very good at tennis and golf

Spare Time Pastimes: Painting

Most Exotic Trip: Hawaii

Personal Heroes: My sisters and brother

In Ministry Since: Started working at Cottonwood September 2002.  This was the first week we moved to the 121 location.

Life-Changing Moment: When I became a mother

Dream Living Location: At the beach

Proudest Accomplishment: Elected to Allen ISD School Board two times

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

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