

A quest for Authentic Faith, faith that is lived out in our daily activities, is modeled in our homes and communities and passed down to the next generation.


Spiritual maturity is a lifelong journey. It begins the moment you place your faith and trust in Christ as Lord and Savior and continues throughout the rest of your life.

At Cottonwood Creek Church, we want to come alongside and help you on your faith journey. We believe the true “Authentic Faith” is one that thrives both inside and outside the walls of the church building. It is not something that can be compartmentalized or only demonstrated on Sunday mornings.

Family Resources


If you are like most families, you will attempt to have spiritual conversations at home and you will be greeted by toddlers screaming, children not listening or teens putting their AirPods back in. Some of you have college-aged children living in your home, and they think that they already know everything. However, we want to encourage you to be persistent in your efforts to have faith conversations in your homes and throughout your days. God’s design for the spiritual formation of the next generation is through the home.


Faith at Home conversations are not exclusively appointments on your family calendar. Faith at Home conversations are largely inspired by circumstances that arise throughout the day. Next time you check the mail for a neighbor, help someone clean up around the house or need to apologize to someone, explain the Biblical reasons for why you do all that you do.


Faith at Home is largely about capitalizing on explaining Biblical principles throughout life circumstances, but it can also be an appointment on the calendar. Your challenge for January is to pick a day and time that you will gather with your family to pray, read Scripture, and discuss the application together.

Faith@Home Campaigns


Faith Path partners with you as you guide your child's faith journey one step at a time.
View Faith Path


Find more Faith@Home resources for your journey.
Faith@Home Resources