The world is pointing our teenagers in countless directions to find acceptance, happiness, and success. However, all of the paths of the world only lead to more stress, division, and anxiety. We want to show teenagers the one WAY, the one TRUTH, and how to live the best LIFE in Jesus Christ.
At the age of 16, students enter into the church dropout danger zone. Research has proven that if a church wants to prevent teenagers from dropping out of the church, then they need to incorporate more parent, adult, and young adult involvement in the youth group.
Research has shown that a teenager is 2.65 times more likely to drop out if they DO NOT have adults investing in them between the ages of 15-18.
Will you partner with us in pointing our Next Generation toward Jesus? We have options to serve weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as an occasional substitute.
Email Kendall Irvin to let us know you would like to join the team
Complete the online Questionnaire and Background check form to get started
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