Ashley Austin

Birthday: November 10

People Who Inspire You: The people at Cottonwood Creek inspire me – both the staff and the church body. They are dedicated to God’s call on their lives to work and live a life of service to Him. This church constantly amazes me in what it accomplishes for the increase and glory of God. I am proud to call this my church home for 22 years and my place of employment. 

Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. 

Favorite Movies:  The Sound of Music, The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones series 

Favorite Music/Band/Singers: I love old hymns as well as contemporary Christian music. Toby Mac and For King & Country are some of my favorite bands. Great is Thy Faithfulness is currently my favorite hymn. 

Spare Time Pastimes: If I ever get to the point of spare time, I would like to cook and bake more. 

In Ministry Since: I’ve always enjoyed volunteering in the church but have officially worked at the church since fall 2016. 

Proudest Accomplishment: Raising 2 kids for 10 years as a single mom. 

Favorite Holiday: Christmas 

Things You Collect: I love antiques.  If I had the room, I would collect antique glassware and dishes. 

The One Thing You’d Like to Come Back in Fashion: I have a hard time parting with clothes over the years, so it would always be nice for anything already in my closet to come back into (or stay in) fashion. 

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