
MomCo is a faith-based organization where groups meet regularly to celebrate the joys of motherhood and to encourage one another through its challenges.


Fall Semester Dates:

9/13, 9/27, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/13 9

9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Room: B111

MomCo is short for the The Mom Community.

 Fall Semester Dates: 9/13, 9/27, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/13 9
Room: B111There are more than 3,900 MomCo groups meeting across the United States, and in 35 countries around the world. MomCo is a faith-based organization where groups meet regularly to celebrate the joys of motherhood and to encourage one another through its challenges.

The MomCo meetings alternate between guest speakers and activities. We provide a wide variety of speakers on a variety of topics to encourage moms in different stages of life. Each meetup includes time for brunch, table discussion and prayer.

Each mom is registered for membership with The Momco where she will receive all benefits of membership including a 1 year subscription to their magazine. The remainder of the fees is used to obtain speakers and supplies. We do ask members to volunteer to bring food items to serve during meetings. Each member requiring childcare will pay additional $25 for KidsCo for the semester.

MomCo provides a welcoming and fun environment to meet other moms with children the same age as your own. You will be assigned a table with 6 moms. This will introduce you to a small group of moms whom you will get to know throughout the semester. Your child will also benefit from the Christian based curriculum of our KidsCo program while getting some fun time to play with other children while you get adult time!

MomCo Coordinator: Alli Caldwell
Co-Coorinator: Sarah Stoltzfus