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Family Time We have all heard how important praise and encouragement are to children. AS children grow, they need to hear frequent positive messages from others to gain a balanced and healthy self-worth and to know what is right and good about the choices they make. Sometimes being a good encourager takes practice. Try using positive phrases with your children. How refreshed we feel when someone comes alongside of us and says positive words that motivate and encourage us in our choices. Let’s commit ourselves to doing the same for our children. |
God Cares: |
Family Time
Children usually believe that almost anything is possible for them to do. They sometimes say “I can do it” when the task is actually beyond their physical capabilities. A child’s enthusiasm to take on a difficult task might put the child at risk, but that same enthusiasm can also motivate the child to learn and accomplish great things
What a wonderful moment it must have been for the Israelites to watch the waters of the Red Sea part! What seemed impossible to the people, God could do. God cared deeply for the people of Israel, and God cares for us too. Talk to your child about God’s care and His power. Encourage your child to do all that they can with God’s power working through them.
Red Sea Bottle
Start with a clear plastic soda bottle. Using a funnel, fill the bottle half full of water. Add a few drops of
red food coloring and several drops of
baby oil. For additional effect, add glitter or metallic confetti shaped like fish. Screw on the lid and shake to mix. Secure with duct tape. Turn the bottle sideways or upside
down to make “waves.” Talk about
how God helped the Israelites cross the Red sea.
Family Fun
A child experiences faith and trust as their needs are met by loving caregivers. Ultimately this knowledge of faith and trust leads to an understanding of who God is. Have you ever considered how essential God is to every aspect to life? Children need to have their deepest needs met by knowing that God made them and loves them. All the challenges they will ever encounter in their lifetimes can be faced with the knowledge of God’s presence in their lives. Treasure those valuable moments when you can share with your children how much God loves them and cares for them each and every day.
Family Banner
As a family, think about all the ways God cares for you. On a piece of poster board, have each family member draw pictures illustrating the ways that God cares for them. Share the pictures and thank God for a ll the ways He cares for your family. Display the family masterpiece in a spot where it can be seen as a daily reminder of God’s constant and wonderful care.
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Family Fun
A child experiences faith and trust as their needs are met by loving caregivers. Ultimately this knowledge of faith and trust leads to an understanding of who God is. Have you ever considered how essential God is to every aspect to life? Children need to have their deepest needs met by knowing that God made them and loves them. All the challenges they will ever encounter in their lifetimes can be faced with the knowledge of God’s presence in their lives. Treasure those valuable moments when you can share with your children how much God loves them and cares for them each and every day.
Family Banner
As a family, think about all the ways God cares for you. On a piece of poster board, have each family member draw pictures illustrating the ways that God cares for them. Share the pictures and thank God for a ll the ways He cares for your family. Display the family masterpiece in a spot where it can be seen as a daily reminder of God’s constant and wonderful care.
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Family Time:
Give your child the wonderful gift of God’s global view of the world. God loves all people of the world, not just those who look like us or act as we do. The Bible says we are made “in an amazing and wonderful way” (Psalm 139:14).
Provide opportunities to explore other cultures. Children can begin to appreciate playing side by side with children who may speak a different language or have a different culture. Invite a family from another culture over for a meal. Correspond with a
missionary family. Read books and listen to music with other cultures. Help your child see people as God sees them— all His children.
God Created Me.
Children love to see pictures of themselves at younger stages of their lives. Pull out a favorite picture of your child at a younger age. Talk about the picture and why it is one of your favorite captured moments. Share with your child unique traits God had created in the child. Talk about how your child has grown and what has been learned since the picture was taken. Thank God together for making people.
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Family Fun
Children are like sponges. They absorb every word that we say and then take it to heart. We need to be sources of encouragement and hope for them.
When God created the world, He looked at the things He had made. Over and over in Genesis 1, the Bible says, “God saw that it was good.”
Look at the things your child makes this week. Take time to praise your child’s work. Tell them that the work they have done is good, just as God’s work was good. Be a reflection of God’s love in creating a beautiful and fruitful relationship with your little one, for we were all made in the image of God, Genesis 1:26.
Memory Fun
Find these verses in a family Bible. Create a dance as you say the verses with your child. This week, help your child remember the seven days in the Creation Account.
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Family Time
How do you think Jonah felt as he sat in the belly of a big fish? Talk about smelling fishy and turning green with seasickness! Though you have probably never spent the day inside a fish’s stomach, perhaps you can identify with Jonah. Have you ever disobeyed God? Have you ever turned and walked the other way when you could have told an individual about God?
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Family Time
Children are like sponges. They absorb every word that we say and then take it to heart. We need to be sources of encouragement and hope for them, or they will find inappropriate ways to gain attention and approval.
When God created the world, He looked at the things He had made. Over and over in Genesis 1, the Bible says, “God saw that it was good.”
Look at the things you child makes this week. Take time to praise your child’s work. Tell them that the work they have done is good, just as God’s work was good. In doing so, you will be motivating your child and sending her a message of love and approval.
Memory Fun
Find these verses in a family Bible. Clap a rhythm as you say the verses with your child. This week, help your child remember: “God made the light and sky”
It is important for us to demonstrate a genuine love for God’s people– not only because that is what God asks of us, but also because there are little eyes watching us. Children need to grow up in an environment where they see being displayed a true love for all people. Let’s raise a generation of children that runs towards Nineveh!
Family Time
Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. Sharp, young eyes, questioning minds, and very busy hands automatically explore things from nature. What child can resist touching the petals of a sunflower, smelling the needles of a pine tree, or looking up at the sparkling stars?
Take advantage of informal opportunities when children explore their world to talk about God the creator. Reinforce the truths of God’s presence, goodness, and power. You can significantly impact your child’s appreciation of nature and understanding of our wonderful creator during the early years. Take time to “stop and smell the roses” with your child.
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Always be aware of the great treasure and potential of your child. Be concerned about all areas of your child’s nurture and growth, but above all. Strive to help your child grow spiritually.
Look at yourself first. Much of what a child learns is caught rather than taught. The reflection of your faith in God will form the lasting image and concept your child will have about God.
Remember that what a child sees and experiences has a great significance. Since children develop deeply held beliefs from attitudes and feelings during the early years, be ready to relate all things of life to God. For example, “Thank You, God, for fish in the neighbor’s pond,” is a teachable moment that has great spiritual significance to a child.
Finding Fish
Venture to a pet store with your child. Walk through the area pf displayed fish. Talk about the different colors, sizes, and fins of the fish. Help your child count how many fish are in a tank and point out the various species of fish. On the way home, thank God for all the special fish that He created. This same activity can be done with a book about fish.
Family Fun
Give your child the wonderful gift of God’s global view of the world. God loves all animals of the world, not just those that live in our homes.
Provide opportunities to explore other species. Children can begin to appreciate the differences and variety in God’s intentional and unique creation. Invite over other friends to learn more about a new breed or species. Correspond with those who too know God’s goodness. Read books and watch documentaries or PBS shorts to further be informed on God’s incredible handiwork. Help your child see animals as God’s intimate creation— animals being a sliver of God’s full creation.
God Created Animals.
Children love to see pictures of little cute little animals to big exotic animals. Pull up a photo of a domesticated animal and with your child compare it to a wild life animal. Talk about the pictures and why those animals are one of God’s many gifts to the earth. Share with your child unique traits God had created in each of these animals. Talk about how these animals too experience and yearn for God through His creation. Thank God together for making all animals that roam earth and all of their unique purposes.
Bring this back for a treat!
Family Time
Can you imagine what the day was like when Gideon went into battle against the Midianites? What were the 300 men of Israel thinking? Did they truly trust Gideon’s leadership into battle? Often we must march into battle without completely understanding God’s direction. God seeks to glorify Himself through us. What a privilege it is to be used by Him!
Parenting can be a tough battleground. Remember to rely on God completely and follow His ways. Demonstrate throughout your day how you are a follower of Jesus. The daily battles are worth the efforts they take when those little feet begin to march in step with God’s truths.
Family Activity
Children love to pretend. Gather as a family and cast roles for the Bible story found in Judges 6:34, 35; 7:2-21. Provide simple props, such as paper tube “trumpets”, plastic container “jars”, and flashlight “torches”. “Gideon” and his “warriors” will have fun acting as the learn one of many Old Testament stories that teaches us to obey.
Bring this back for a treat!
Family Time
Can you imagine what the day was like when Gideon went into battle against the Midianites? What were the 300 men of Israel thinking? Did they truly trust Gideon’s leadership into battle? Often we must march into battle without completely understanding God’s direction. God seeks to glorify Himself through us. What a privilege it is to be used by Him!
Parenting can be a tough battleground. Remember to rely on God completely and follow His ways. Demonstrate throughout your day how you are a follower of Jesus. The daily battles are worth the efforts they take when those little feet begin to march in step with God’s truths.
Family Activity
Children love to pretend. Gather as a family and cast roles for the Bible story found in Judges 6:34, 35; 7:2-21. Provide simple props, such as paper tube “trumpets”, plastic container “jars”, and flashlight “torches”. “Gideon” and his “warriors” will have fun acting as the learn one of many Old Testament stories that teaches us to obey.
In this week’s Bible Lesson, we share that God provided food for Elijah. But God provides so much more! It is important to remember to thank God and praise Him for His care.
Take a walk with your child and ask them to name things God made. Ask questions, such as “How does God use the sun to take care of us?” or “Does God use rain to help us?”
When going to the grocery store, stop and look at items, such as a sack of flour, a favorite fresh vegetable or fruit, or a jug of milk. Ask “Where does milk come from?” and “Who made the cow?”
Using basic yet stimulating questions can help your child recognize and be thankful for God’s daily care.
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